Taco Tuesday 4/12/16

Taco Tuesday 4/12/16

April 12, 2016 in Taco Tuesday

It’s somewhat idealistic to say “I eat only organic food.” Sure, it can be done but sometimes life requires some compromise. Unless you have an inexhaustible source of money and a direct line to Whole Foods and a Farmer’s Market it might even be close to impossible. I agree that the amount of pesticides in most food far exceeds what I would want (none) but that desire clashes with reality. Given the choice, I choose a middle ground. Get organic food when I can but understand that getting organic is not always possible or plausible and as someone who tries to be fairly practical, I have to understand that. Luckily this list exists to help know best where to concentrate and commit. It allows for somewhat safe traveling in spaces where those providing may not share the same concerns I do.

